Abbsolu Ele, the best pageant training academy in India writes week after week on topics related to pageantry and personality development.
Our topic for today is of utmost importance for every aspiring pageant woman. There are few no no at the pageant and you should definitely know about this before you enroll for any pageant.
Avoid making any mistakes at the pageant, that’s why pageant prep is important. You should know what to do and what not to do to avoid any confusion and also don’t risk your chances of winning the competition and crown.

Get the right footing for pageant success
- No last minute prep: Get ready for your big day without any delay. Try all your looks well in advance, the hair, accessories, footwear, lingerie just everything, get all your looks right. Don’t wait for the d day. No one would help you then. Pedicure, manicure, hair color, nail extension all to be done much before time so that there is no panic attacks. So, do not wait for last minute start your prep much before time.
- Beauty sleep is victory sleep! There is going to be too much hustle bustle at the pageant, long hours of grooming and rampwalk sessions, it may exhaust you completely so recharge your batteries and have a well rested look.
- Friendship is good but don’t loose your focus on crown: making friends is good but don’t spend your entire time with few of them. You should try to connect with everyone, making best friends or friends for life then pageant is not the place. Your focus is crown and should be just crown and nothing else.
- Eat well: A hungry queen is a grumpy queen! Eating well and staying healthy is very important for a queen as she has so much to do once she reaches the pageant. Pack some energy bars, nuts, dry fruits, energy drinks before you leave for pageant, once all this is done you are good to go.
- Don’t get intimidated by other contestants: There are girls who will be taller, thinner blah blah blah but you have to trust your pageant coach and all her teachings. Remember to deliver everything you learnt at the academy and pageant prep. If you remember all that you are good to go.
- Behave well at the pageant: You are at the pageant to compete, behave like a queen. Don’t argue or fight, no pulling down others, don’t giggle and laugh at others. Even when you are not on stage still you are on stage. Look and behave like a queen all the time. Have an attitude of gratitude every time. Say thank you to everyone who stood by you and helped you to be on this prestigious platform.
Many more topics to be discussed on pageantry and personality development. Now it’s a wrap. See you soon. For any queries feel free to write me on my email address