ABSOLU ELLE,  leading pageant training and personality development academy in India writes blog on everything that’s need of an hour, especially when we are stressed out due to Covid19.
This is my 5 point plan and will help you definitely stay beautiful during this tough times.
Beautiful is a versatile word and each one thinks differently about this word
My 5 point  plan begins now:
1. CONFIDENCE: We are all born with confidence its just that we have to tap that potential of ours, you are seen to be confident when you constantly don’t look for approval from others,  so believe in your dreams,  believe in your goals, only two things will happen when you take risks, either right or wrong, if right you are in win win situation and if wrong rectify it, try again. But never loose confidence.
2. Eyes: Your eyes are windows to your soul, stand in front of that mirror and ask few questions,  are you angry? Wats bothering you? Do you want to opologise? Do you want to say I miss you? Now is the time just pick up your phone and say it, its never too late to rectify your mistakes.
3. Smile and laughter: Smile, the best curve anyone can have and laughter is contagious. So laugh more, frown less. Take a breather in this stressful period of covid19. Catch up with some Netflix series in between of your household chores.  You will feel much lighter and much happier.
4. Be humble: Give credit to people who deserve it, put them under that limelight,  put them on that center stage, give them that recognition. If they deserve it they should get it.
5. Love yourself: There is no deed better than loving yourself and treating yourself better,  when you love yourself,  and treat yourself better you exactly knows how it feels to be loved,  how it feels when you treat others better. So its very important, as they say always start with yourself.
More details on Stay Beautiful in my next blog. Follow us on www.pageanttraining.in to know how we help women transform themselves in to their best version.
Please stay home 🏡 and stay safe and stay beautiful too.

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