Absolu Elle, leading pageant training and personality development Academy in India writes week after week on topics related to above topics.
Introduction is one of the most important part in being a pageant woman. Your strong Introduction is your ticket to next round. Your pageant coach plays a very important role here.
She helps you to understand how important an Introduction is, she explains how to begin your Introduction, what all has to be covered in it so that the judges and audience have all ears.
As a pageant coach I always help my student understand what it takes to write an Introduction, help them with key words keeping their strong personality in mind. Their Introduction should speak about them and what’s in their mind.
I always believe you should either start or end with a strong quote, their are 1000 of quotes to search from. The Introduction has 3 parts, the beginning, body and conclusion. Make sure every part is strong.
Few things to keep in mind when writing an introduction:
. Quote
. Name. Marital status, where do you live
. Hobbies
. Any NGO that you are associated with, social cause you have taken up to make this society a better place to live in.
. Why you are the right contestant to be chosen.
Once you add all these points in your Introduction, now the tough job begins of voice modulation, your target audience is not only the judges but people who are sitting on the last seat of the place where pageant is happening.
I always suggest my students to say their Introduction in front of mirror at least 5 times a day, its not about learning by heart, but catching and understanding every expression when you say.
Once that is done, now work on your voice modulation, check which words need to be emphasized on or which lines need more attention.
Holding mike also is important thing to learn, in no way any word should be missed of your Introduction. Make sure to check with your pageant organization the time limit of Introduction, some pageants do not mind 1 to 1n half minute whereas others ask you for only 30 seconds Introduction.
Once its ready use timers to time your Introduction. Try to say everything in time given. It should neither be too small for people to wonder that they needed more information about you or its too long that audience actually forget what you started with.
You should neither be too loud or too soft. Practice with live mike so that you know how you sound.
Practice with not only your coach but also family and friends who will suggest and guide you.
During this pandemic time, work on your Introduction, practice well as you have enough time in hand.
Soon we are going to meet you with next pageant goal, stay tuned on this page.