Abbsolu Ele the best pageant training academy writes week after week on topics related to pageantry and personality development.
For more information on personality development courses visit our website and learn about the courses we offer that will help you to become the best version of yourself.

Our topic for today is pageant queens have routine. This may sound tough but trust me it’s very important.
Having a routine is a sign of you being very disciplined, dedicated and determined.
- Keep in mind the category you’re competing in, you shouldn’t have the same walk for your evening gown as you do for your swim suit round. Your evening gown helps you to showcase your elegance, grace and poise where as your swim wear can be sassy, flirty and more upbeat.
- Workout should be fun and not something that dreads you. Eat food that makes you feel good and exercise at the intensity level that you are comfortable with. Remember never to compare yourself, you are enough!
- Queens have routines! If you are worried that you’ll freeze on stage, the best thing you can do to avoid this happening is by creating a routine. Muscle memory is a really helpful thing, and consistently practising when and where you’ll return and poise is the key to seamless walk. Keep practicing don’t worry about silly mistakes.
- In order to get comfortable in your walk, you’re going to need a lot of practice! Practice different turns in your kitchen, try going up and down the stairs in your heels, and show everyone around you that it takes lot to have a killer catwalk! This is especially if you have long train or tricky slit; practice with your dress on to see what choreo works for you!
Many more topics yet to be discussed on pageantry and personality development. Any questions regarding the above topic feel free to write on