Food For Thoughtpageant trainingpersonality development

Let’s nail your onstage question

By August 6, 2024 No Comments
Abbsolu Ele, the best pageant training academy in India writes week after week on topics related to pageantry and personality development.
For more information on personality development please refer our website
Our topic for today is let’s nail your onstage question. Now imagine you’ve made it to top 5, the last selection before what will hopefully be your crowning moment! But first comes what is arguably the most difficult and nerve wrecking part of any pageant; the onstage question but I completely believe if you are updated with current affairs, we’ll read then this round isn’t so tough. But prep for this round is lot of practice.
The secret to crown- an impressive answer
  • Don’t jump to answer: keep breathing, stay calm and focused. Pause to consider what you you’ve been asked and take a moment to collect yourself. Remind all the preparation it took for you to be here. May be you haven’t practiced the same question but trust yourself that you know the answer and you have practiced enough to answer this letter like a queen.
  • Answer the question ( answer what is asked ): I know this sounds silly but the time given is 30 seconds, their are many thoughts that are crossing your mind, it could be very easy to lose your train of thought. Put all your nervousness and excitement aside and now focus. This can be about your stance on a particular situation and your opinion is asked. So think and then answer. Here what comes in great help is your current affairs information.
  • Add your work for cause: Once you have given your answer add a little about your work for cause, add how this pageant has helped you, or anything that sets you apart.
  • Umm… don’t do this: If you ever wish to answer well, it should be without any filler. Slow down with answer, be mindful of every single word, use no fillers. As always, practice makes perfect.
  • Don’t forget your sparkle! Make sure to add your personality to your question. Add an element of yours at the end of your answer, are you funny? Charming? Inspirational? Make the crowd and the judgmental panel fall in love by embracing what makes you, YOU!

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