Food For Thoughtpageant trainingpersonality development

Guide to pageant weekend

By September 21, 2024 No Comments
Abbsolu Ele, the best pageant training academy in India writes week after week on topics related to pageantry and personality development.
For more information on our personality development course visit our website
Pageant weekend that you have been waiting for is round the corner. All prep for pageant is in place. But you have many questions in mind. What do you do when you get there? How do you make friends? How will your confidence be by the time the finals come around?
There are many other questions which may keep you worried. But we are here to help you. Pageant prep is the most important thing. If you have been lucky to have a good pageant coach she will guide you well .
Before you land for your pageant make sure you have packed everything well. From your clothes to your more than 3 pair of stilletoes, your accessories and everything else you need for your pageant. ( list of things to carry we have discussed in the past in one of our blogs)
Stay calm at the pageant, meet new people. Follow every instruction carefully. Always be on time or slightly before time. Spend little time with yourself though it may be difficult to get that kind of time but connecting with yourself when there are so many people around is important.
Pageant weekend can at times even break you down if you haven’t prepared yourself for any situation like this. There are many a times things can be overwhelming but always try to stay calm.
Prepare for your big day with head high and beautiful smile. It’s going to be good. Speak well with great confidence,  a great rampwalk and the best onstage answer will help you win the crown you have been dreaming about. So queen you are good to go ❤️
Any questions on the above topic feel free to write me a email on

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