Food For Thoughtpageant trainingpersonality development

Get Comfy With Your Current Events To Win Your Crown

By August 24, 2024 No Comments
Abbsolu Ele, the best pageant training academy in India writes week after week on topics related to pageantry and personality development.
For more information on personality development visit our website and learn the tips to become the best version of yourself.
Our topic for today is how comfy should you be to win your crown. It is very important to stay up to date on the latest current events, because not being in the know is soo laid back.
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The world of pageantry is evolving, its not so common to tiptoe around all the news happening around the world, it also seems impossible, but keel reading your current affairs to answer the question like a pro.
To keep yourself updated follow the tips.
  • Pursue the news: Just like unicorns with their unique horns, you were born with unique qualities and talents that make you one of a kind. Remember to be humble. Embracing yourself makes you special is the first step to becoming a confident queen.
  • Current affairs are like diamonds: they have many sides!  You will often come across current affairs that stumps you a bit, but don’t get worried or scared it’s absolutely normal to not know every current affair all the time. It’s advisable to keep speaking to your family and friends and get the scoop so that you can also understand their angle of understanding the news and how much it’s different than your thoughts on the topic.
  • What’s your take on the news you read: If I said it’s good to take the views of your family and friends on each news but what matters most is YOUR OPINION. Never forget the judges are waiting for your opinion on the question asked and my advice here is you better give them an answer so that you score full marks for it. Don’t stress out if your opinion is way too different from judges. It’s alright take a stand for the answer you choose to give.
  • Keep an open-mind: There is always something new to learn, and your opinion on current affairs can change. The more you delve into these issues, the more there is to uncover about other perspectives. Being open-mind will even benefit you in the interview room because it shows the judges you are well-prepared, willing to learn and willing to listen, three undeniably necessary qualities for any queen.
Many more topics to be discussed on pageantry and personality development. For any questions on above subject feel free to write to us on

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