Food For Thoughtpageant trainingpersonality development

Don’t loose your focus on last minute pageant prep

By September 30, 2024 No Comments
Abbsolu Ele, the best pageant training academy in India writes week after week on topics related to pageantry and personality development.
For more information in personality development visit our website or take an appointment and visit our academy in Chembur, Mumbai.
Our topic for today is for all our pageant Queens who are ready to take on the pageant platform and the world by storm. This topic is about not loosing focus on anything but the last minute prep for your prestigious pageant.
Don’t loose time on running around here and there for clothes, accessories, salon schedules, body polish etc but utilize this last few days on preparation.
Catch up on your beauty sleep, rest as much as you can, stay indoors so that you don’t tan your skin and have a skin that’s glowing.
Sitting at home you can prep for your last minute prep.
. Interview round prep: You can take help from family and friends, ask them to ask you questions keeping current affairs in mind. Lot of old pageant can be seen for Q n A prep. Ask them to score you on clarity, smiling while talking, eye-contact and not using crutch words like ‘UM’. Seriously crutch words can bring your scores down. Research the new landscape. This is one round where you can impress judges with your intelligence and answers. Start your routine of catching up with news, wherever you get your news kick judged don’t care they only care is good answers. Choose a mix of global, national and entertainment news to keep your cup brimming with facts about a wide range of topics.
Just make sure the news is legit, Darling! Always remember an interview is all about your poise, confidence and eloquence.
Your pageant coach can be your best bet! Especially at the end of your prep a pageant coach can help you sail through this journey successfully. Few sessions with your coach can be if great help. They usually have answers to the pageant questions very differently which is very important for your pageant. Once you reach the venue for your pageant, any realization then is too late. It’s better to take their guidance it’s always helpful.
Reflect and Refine: Reflect on journey how far you have come. Especially from where you started. It’s been a mountain to scale with monsters to slay but the spotlight is nearing. After every session think if it was good or you could have done better than that. Keep working till last minute.
Queens, your focus should only be the stage of finale and crown, nothing else once you decide on your pageant. All the very best girls! It’s a wrap.
Many more topics to be discussed here on pageantry and personality development. Any questions regarding the above topic feel free to write to me in my email address

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