Abbsolu Ele, the best pageant training academy in India writes week after week on topics related to pageantry and personality development.
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Our topic for today is countdown to crown. Pageant prep is almost done, all the salon schedules are in place, beauty sleep is must before you leave for the pageant venue, your catwalk practice is done, polished your interview prep, and crafted your wardrobe. Just like setting spray sets the hair and makeup well same way these last minute, pre pageant tips will prep you best before the competition.
  • Double check your bags before packing: if you think you have everything you need for your pageant and you are good to go, think again, hope you aren’t missing anything. Make a list and doubly check. Remember must-haves like competition wardrobe, extra clothes, skincare, makeup, extra pair of shoes, toiletries and whatever else you might need. Remember a queen always comes prepared!
  • Practice makes perfect: There’s a room for learning and improving at every step now. Practicing tricky closed door interview questions, running through your walking pattern, the twirl that you must have practiced thousand times it’s time to practice once more. Rehearse your talent, a little extra practice never hurts. Don’t overdo it. Save the best for last day.
  • Work extra on your social media profile: try putting as many posts you can, tag your pageant every time you post something about the pageant that can help your profile and add more credibility to pageant. Make sure you have good number of followers so keep posting new pictures.
  • Beauty sleep is must: After you have packed, practiced and perfected, it’s now time to relax. Practice some self care, take a warm shower, pray and most importantly catch up with your beauty sleep. You cannot afford to have puffy eyes with bags under your eyes. The only bags you need are competition luggage!
  • Remember the quote, Believe in yourself and your halfway there: Believe in all the practice that you have done for this big day. Believe in 1000 of questions you practiced with your coach, family, and friends! Win or lose, a crown does not define you. What matters is that you give more than 100% so you can leave your pageant with no regrets and feeling proud of your stellar performance.
Many more topics to be discussed here on pageantry and personality development. Any questions regarding the above topic feel free to connect on my email address

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